Recently I got to test out an amazing little gadget – the BabyNes! Since Wes won’t take a bottle, and I’m still just nursing, I gave it to my girlfriend who could use it. But found myself wishing this was around when I made a bottle here and there for Tuck. Much like a nespresso machine – you just put the cartridge in, place a bottle down, and out comes the perfectly mixed (and temperature too!) bottle. I remember making a bottle with Tuck and getting frustrated with the temperature, and also the clumps even after shaking it. The BabyNes eliminates both of those problems. The BabyNes formula also changes throughout the months as to give your baby exactly what nutrients they need in whatever month they are in. There’s an app that connects with the machine which will let you know when you are running low, and you can set it up to automatically order more when you are running low. While I think this item is a luxury for sure, it definitely takes the stress off preparing a bottle. If you are expecting you can register for one through this link!

**I am so grateful to have been able to breastfeed Wes for going on eight months now aside from the solids we introduced. It’s an easy thing for us, and for the most part has been since day one. You can read both of my nursing accounts – here (with tuck) and here (with wes). While I was able to nurse Tuck eleven months, I also supplemented with formula here and there. I think both my kids are pretty great, and I think your kids are too. It’s odd because when I read comments on the internet on a FB post or what have you regarding nursing or formula, you inevitably get the one comment hell bent on their opinion being the absolute truth. I always wonder who these people are! I can say every mother I know in real life is wonderful. They do their best, they feed, and they love their children. That’s all that matters to me! So however you nourish your child, I support you 100%.**