I am a total novice when it comes to make up. My routine has pretty much been the same for.ever. Until recently, on a trip with my mom I ran out of my powder and tried her foundation + brush and three people complimented me on my make up that day. Which NEVER happens, which told me something (: !!! I always thought foundation was a bit too heavy for me, but when it’s applied right it’s just what this 31 year old mama needs. Especially in January when I have absolutely no color to my skin tone. So off to Sephora I went and to the tarte counter I headed. I’ve always been a bit frustrated with make up. More often than not I tended to just not wear any and scare my fellow citizens at the grocery store. But this new routine of mine is so quick and makes me look like I’m not a cast of the walking dead. It takes just under two minutes to apply it all, so I have absolutely noooo excuse of terrifying people around town.
About a dime of amazonian clay foundation (in fairly light neutral) on this magical little brush and I dab a bit on each cheek, my forehead, nose, and chin – then a swoosh all around my face and blend into my neck. Then I draw two lines with this cheek stain from my temple to the bottom of my cheek bones, dab and blend. I sweep my eyelids with a bit of “super mom” from this set – I really just like the color but the name gives me a bit of confidence too(; . I dab a bit of this undereye concealer underneath my eyes to cover what has always been dark, dark circles- even before tuck (it is my favorite concealer I’ve ever tried). Then I use this mascara. Last comes the lip tint (color I’ve been using is “sweet”) . Done!
For a date night or if I’m feeling quite fancy, I will do a bit more. I line the top of my eyelid with this eyeliner. I apply powder blush and set with this good stuff. an extra coat or two of mascara plus the magic of an eyelash curler (have had this tweezerman one for ages).
Now if only I could find a two minute hair solution!!
**This is not a sponsored post, but Tarte is just the best paraben/SLS/phthalate/mineral oil – FREE products I’ve found**