10 ways I sneak in self care as a busy mom in my 40’s

Gauze for summer looks, classic style, by the pool

Whether you are a mom or not, this self care for moms list can still apply!  Self-care means different things to different people.  So this self-care list is pretty specific to me, a busy mom in my 40s!  But there may be something that you would want to incorporate.  A lot of self care to me, is basically being kind to my future self later (: and sprinkling it in when I have a moment.


Eyepatches on first thing

Before I even start drinking coffee, I put my eye patches on.  I keep them in the fridge.    If I’m heading to a workout, I keep them on.  I keep them on even during drop off, but with my sunglasses on (:  It is usually just me and the trainer in our small gym, so I don’t feel too embarrassed keeping them on.  I swear by them and their depuffing magic.  I have been using the Pixi DetoxifEYE for years and year.  They are my favorite and give me the most bang for my buck. 

Hair mask

Similarly to my eye patches, before I head to the gym or to a workout, I comb a hair mask in and slick my hair back.  So basically, if you see me at the gym – no you didn’t.  lol.  As I’ve entered my 40’s, my hair really needs extra care.  I always take a shower right after which is it’s own form of self care.  This is the hair mask I usually use.   A few drops does the trick.  I’ve repurchased this 4 times!  

work out

One of the best things I can do for myself mentally and physically is to get a work out in every day.  I’m not a high-intensity kind of gal.  But I get it in!  I do a quick 30-minute strength training circuit with a trainer three times a week.  The other days I like to do Assembly classes online in our garage gym or a low-impact peloton ride.  I always aim to get at least 12k steps a day.  I usually take at least one walk around my neighborhood a day.  This used to be right after drop off, but more and more it’s just when I need a break.  But I find between laundry, dishes, cooking, and all the things – it’s not too hard to get a lot of steps in.  My oura ring helps me stay on track.  This is all coming from someone who did not prioritize working out for most of my 30s outside of walking a lot.  But in my 40s I am realizing how important it is to prioritize moving my body in a way that I’ll be so glad I did 10, 20, 30 years from now.  

Sleep routine

I have always been an early to bed, early to rise kind of person.  I need a lot of sleep!  There are a few things I do consistently to get my body ready for bed.  

Take a bath.  I have always loved a bath before bed.  I pour some Epsom salts and soak for a few minutes. It’s my favorite way to wind down.  

I write everything I need to do for the next day down.  There’s something about that act, that gets it off my mind, so I can focus on sleep and not worrying about xyz.  

My skin care routine – I will get into that in a bit.  But it’s also something that signals my brain it’s time for sleep.  

Reading with the boys.  Prayers!  and a good night!

Oh and a sleep mask. This ensures absolutely no light.  I travel with it, but use it every day as well.  

All of this to say, your wind-down routine could look totally different, but it’s important to have one.  It really signals your brain it’s time for bed!  

use your big cup 

By now we all have a huge water cup.  I fill mine up with water and ice in the morning, take my vitamins, and try to fill it up again after lunch.   Being properly hydrated is so important!  


So this might not seem like a self care activity but for me it really is.  I usually make a soup/salad combo at the beginning of the week.  It’s always something that I love and look forward to eating for lunch.  That way, I’m not scrambling for lunch, which in the past has been an issue.  And then I either don’t eat enough, or eat something that doesn’t make me feel my best.  I also love to decide once… and for me meal planning makes that possible for all of mine and my families meals.  


Whatever that looks like for you!  During the busy time of kids in school, a lot of that looks like shuttling kids and family dinners at home.  For friends, it can get tricky!  Of course I love a good lunch date, long breakfast, dinner out… but there’s not always time for that.  I love to walk with a friend, catch up in the carpool line, or even run some errands together.  I feel like that’s a very “I’m in my 40’s” way to catch up.  But it always feels so good to connect in person!  


While I do throw on a mask in the bath on occasion, most of the time I am multi-tasking and masking!   Right now, as I type this, I have one on.  If I have a day when I’m staying home, 

These are my favorite:

Current skincare

I am on a big Elemis kick.  It’s just so hydrating for my skin!  Right now, I’m loving their collagen cleanser, overnight mask, and occasionally their pads.  I use tata harper water lock to moisturize at night, and the elemis marine cream with SPF during the day.


Okay, so this is a have to, not a want to.  But I’m always glad I’m not walking around like Chewbacca.   To make it a little easier I use the epilator every few days.  The first few times I used one were TERRIBLE.  I had tears in my eyes, and was seriously questioning why I was influenced to buy this torture device.  But now it’s not as painful, and it does make keeping on top of shaving much easier.  


I keep our vitamins where our coffee cups are.  So when I’m brewing a cup, I take them out.  I pack them individually for both JB and I in a days of the week pill box on Sundays.  I keep it fairly simple and take a B vitamin, probiotic, Omega 3, and D.  


Whenever I’m overwhelmed, I feel like nature is such a huge reset for me.  A simple walk, doing a little gardening, or getting out on the water does a world of good. 

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