Day in the life of a lifestyle influencer

 A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A Lifestyle blogger + wife/mom/and more

Something that’s often requested is a day in the life as a lifestyle blogger / influencer. Probably like a lot of us though, no day is the same.  My work is flexible enough that I pepper the day with laundry, prepping meals, emails, a walk, working on a blog post, a room mom task, shooting a brand, grabbing lunch… etc. I’m always searching for balance, but mostly in vain. As soon as I feel like I hit my stride, someone is sick, or needs more of me, or I’m traveling from work / recovering from the travel, school breaks …. or fill in the blank. So if it ever looks like I have it all figured out (which I doubt happens much), I assure you that I don’t. There’s always so much juggling and then realizing that that particular juggle isn’t working anymore, and that I need to readjust again. So I’m constantly coaching myself to stay nimble. But I do have some routines and rhythms in my life I try to stick to that help me day to day. I’m breaking these down to weekly, daily, and monthly routines.



I wake the kids up and pack lunches and snacks in the morning. I love this lunchbox. JB always wakes up early to work out and makes us all a hot breakfast. While I’m usually sleeping until the alarm goes off. I seem to need a crazy amount of sleep- and always have. Unless it’s Friday, and I have my early morning work out. We always have breakfast together since dinners together can sometimes be tricky with their schedules. JB makes us some version of eggs/salads/avocado. He makes the boys different things – but he’s a big fan of banana pancakes which is banana, arrowroot, and egg. I make sure to fill up my water and take my vitamins.  We split taking the kids to school. I always put my eye patches on, and a hair mask before heading out of the door to work out.  Self care multi-tasking at its finest (:  

I either strength train or walk everyday. It’s been almost a year of this work out schedule. I’ve been strength training with a trainer three times a week. Twice a week I go right after drop off, and one time a week I go before the kids are up. I like to walk the rest of the week. Whether with fam or a friend, or just a quick one around my neighborhood. I like to get this in early, before I start the day. I find it gives me a good energy boost for the day.  I also like to walk mid day- if I’m feeling a slump coming on.  

After that I make the beds, and turn on the lamps. I don’t like overhead lighting at all, and love having the lamps on when we’re climbing into bed at night.  So cozy.  Having the beds made, helps me feel like some portion of my life is together (:  

I do laundry every day. Unless I’m super behind or we’ve / i’ve been on a trip – then I have a local lady help out. So after making the beds, I collect the laundry and start on that. I try to get all of the laundry I have done and put away before I pick them up. It’s usually two loads. I feel like if I miss a day, with all of the sports, I get so behind. I don’t like that feeling at all so I’ve always been a little obsessive about laundry. But highly recommend getting in the habit of starting a load as one of your first things in the morning. Especially if you are at home/working from home. It’s just something I have done for years now, and don’t really think about anymore.  

Usually I grocery shop and meal plan on Sundays. So when Monday rolls around, I have a plan for the rest of the week. On Sunday afternoon I like to wash/cut/prep for the week too. I make soup every week to have for lunch the first few days- usually sunday or monday. Yes, even when it’s warm out. I love it for an easy lunch that has a ton of veggies. Just heat, and ready to go. When we run out of soup, I’ll often pick up Power Meals. It’s just down the road, and has pre portioned nutrient dense meals.

After some laundry, breakfast, a workout/walk, kids at school … I hop in the shower. I have always needed a shower to start the day. I generally let my hair almost air dry (and then use my airwrap when it’s almost dry). Once I use the airwrap, I’ll put on a little bit of make up that day. I never take much time on this on a typical day. Under 5 minutes. Unless it’s a shoot day, which is what I do monthly. But that’s not a typical day for me! I can definitely share what those days look like if anyone is interested.

After I’ve showered, I get to work. To stay a bit organized, I use a big paper calendar for the family that’s always in the kitchen and my own personal planner, and lists. So many lists! I tackle whatever is pressing in my inbox first. The “eat the frog” mentality of doing what needs to be done first and not having it hang over my head is so helpful. I work on blog posts, instagram, get previews of work to clients, calls/zooms, look for new products to link, sometimes design on product collabs and work on revisions, and lots of emails.

Around noon, my two loads of laundry are dry and I like to bring them upstairs to sort and put away. I’ll have some lunch. If it’s nice out, I’ll take a quick walk around the neighborhood. I may marco polo a friend, hop on a call, or listen to a podcast or audible then. I also have a walking pad/desk, and usually work from there for a bit. I go super slow, but it helps me reach my step goals.

I work until I have to head to school for pick up at 3. They do have one day where I pick them up after an after school activity at 4. I usually leave a little early for some errands – drop off/pick up dry cleaning, dropping off at UPS/post office, getting gas, etc. If I leave extra early, I may pop into a thrift store. I like to bring the boys a snack for right after school. Usually a protein smoothie. I like these cups for that.

After school we are working on homework.  I’m usually answering homework questions while I’m making dinner. On the day I pick them up at 4, I like to roast a chicken with veggies – so it’s all ready when we get home. Most nights the boys have a sport practice. We eat right at 5 when JB gets home, then they change for baseball/soccer practice. During soccer, I usually work on some house or work stuff, and take an epsom/magnesium hot bath. After practice they are ALWAYS hungry. So I try to be ready with another meal or large snack for them. Sometimes they eat this one better than the one at actual dinner time. They said it would happen with boys, and they were right. For bedtime, they shower, brush their teeth, and usually play or read for a bit before bed. JB washes the dishes, cleans the kitchen, and turns the alarm/lights off. We say a prayer together before bed. We go to bed pretty close to them, right after we put them down for bed. I like to write my task list for the following day before bed – or anything I need to work on. helps me not to worry about it while i’m trying to head to sleep. Our neighbors have joked that our lights are always off by 830. It used to be way earlier, lol. We seem to all need a good amount of rest!  


There’s a few things that I work in weekly.

I like to start the week off with to chat with JB to go over practice/game times, appointments, or tasks that need tending to.  We keep a shared Note on house stuff that needs to get done – for both our house, and the rental.  This is normally a Sunday evening thing.  

Once a week, I like to have a life admin day. I generally look at my calendar, and see what day might be the lightest I still tend to my emails or anything pressing, but I’m more focused on what needs to get done around the house. I use the notes app for that and keep a running list. Like closets I need to get cleaned out, or going through the boys clothes for hand me downs.  

Other things I like to work in once a week:

Chapel at the boys school- as our weekends with sports have ramped up, we are not able to go to our church. So I do like to head to chapel at school when I can!

Bringing the boys lunch and taking my lunch with them at school

JB gave me a sauna blanket two years ago, and I’ve been using it a couple times a week since. I think it really helps with recovery!

In the spring of 2017 my dad had a terrible car accident, but somehow walked away without a scratch. Since then I won’t turn him down for breakfast or lunch date. I think it’s important to make room in your days for spontaneous time with family / friends.

We try to take advantage of the random night we don’t have practice or it’s canceled. So if that happens we may head to our club for dinner/ trivia with friends, head to my parents for a bite, play a game after dinner or watch a family movie.

Meal plan. I typically plan for sun-thursday. Then thursday-sunday. If I’m not running an errand by whole foods, I’ll do an order through sprouts, or pick it up. I do a Walmart delivery once a week – spindrift, some snacks, and siete products.  I like to plan these out on this notepad, along with page numbers or website.  i also jot down whatever the sports/ after school schedule is.  This just helps me plan the whole week.  

So not technically weekly, but every other week we have our house cleaned.  $ well spent.  

refill our vitamins for JB and I for the week.  


Get my car cleaned!  The best most luxurious thing I can do for myself in 2024(:  

Get my hair done.  

Schedule Salvation army pick up.  The boys are growing, our needs are changing – and so I donate extra items we don’t need anymore to Salvation Army.  I do hand down certain things to my God Son or Nephew.  Salvation army will pick it up from your house.  So when I get the jolt to declutter, I just pack it up and keep it in our garage until Salvation Army comes.  

Stock up on dry goods that I use often.  I use Thrive Market.  what’s always on my list: fire roasted tomatoes, coconut milk, beans spices, snacks.  


IN SUMMARY(aka TLDR) top five things I do that may make your life easier with kids

1.  Meal plan.  I know some of y’all resist it.  And I get it – I have been like that before.  It’s a lot of effort.  In my three favorite cookbooks, I write in the front which pages are go-to no-fail dinners for our family.  If I’m in a rut, I just go with those.  I’ve written about my favorite cookbook here.  

2.  Get your car cleaned.  Either professionally, one of those drive through ones where they vacuum at the end, or DIY.  When my cars a mess, it’s easy for me to think my whole life is a mess.  Not true, but getting your car cleans sure helps my sanity.  

3.  Something that my mom has always said if I’ve had a rough morning is “okay, so it’s time to start your day over”… and it’s something I think about when the morning gets derailed – to not derail the rest of the hours.  I just try to mentally start the day over.  My friends MIL used to always say go take a shower “wash the day away”.  And it’s true – a shower is a great reset for your mind!

4.  One (or two) loads of laundry a day will save your sanity.  Or it does mine!  I bought these inexpensive hampers, so as soon as my two morning loads are done, I bring it upstairs to fold.  

5.  write things down.  You’re much more likely to do it.  I like to write tasks down before bed so I get everything out of my head for the night!  

2024 family calendar

Highly recommend getting a family calendar.  This one is only $5, and has a magnetic strip so you can keep it on the fridge for all to check!  


Alex Snodgrass’s three cookbooks, are partially responsible for teaching me how to cook.  There are so many favorites for my family inside these pages.  

Weekly Notpad

I’m a big fan of the weekly notepad.  What can I say I like to write everything down!  On this is where I put our meals (along with page number in the cookbook) + appointments / after school activities / events.  It’s nice to see it all in one week!  

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