Motherhood. He’s ours. This perfect tiny gift from above. I’m taken aback by that fact all of the time now. I check to make sure he is breathing. far too much. I try to replace worry with my prayers for him. I have so many prayers and the list gets longer daily … it is a tall order. His scent makes my heart do things it hasn’t ever experienced. He is the best thing I’ve ever smelled. Better than magnolias or confederate jasmine… Or even salt air. His little noises. They sound like a baby lambs. I know I would do anything for him. Will do anything. Crazy things I am sure. This is the most exciting, exhilarating, exhausting journey I’ve been on. Frustrating too. I’d do anything to soothe him when he cries. Nursing. oh, that’s so not as easy as I thought it would be. But it gets better every day … dare I say I’m starting to enjoy it. If I could I’d spend my days staring at him. He has my big eyes. I had the same wide eyed expressions as a newborn too. Seeing his daddies nose, cheeks, ears on him makes me warm and fuzzy inside when I look at him. We made this. This perfect little creature. I’m so glad we did. Dare I also say, parenthood has enriched our marriage in unexpected ways. I am so thankful I get to do this with him. My best friend makes one heck of a dad.
thanks for listening to this new mommy ramble.