A couple of weeks ago wes caught a nasty virus, that ended up causing pneumonia. We had such a long period of health before this, so when wes fell sick it knocked me down too. Not sickness wise. I was fine in that area. But mentally and spiritually I felt attacked. Alone. All the motherhood guilt of “I should have wiped down this or that!” … It also doesn’t help that when your kid is sick you are homebound. Even for an introvert like me, I still need to get out of the house every once in a while. It can make me feel terribly alone – even when I know I am not. I couldn’t sleep well this last time because 1. night time seems to ramp up my crazy level when I have a sick kid. and 2… wes was waking up at all hours with a fever. I was worried sick. At 3am, I was one thousand percent sure that this virus is something forever debilitating. Thankfully I gain a little more sanity as the morning goes on. I always think of mothers with children with problems beyond a come and go virus, ones that require daily or weekly check ups – fighting, advocating, and pleading for their precious babies life. I’m not even sure why I’m writing this post other than to say, any mother with a sick child deserves all of the grace and all of the helping hands that can be found. They need your help to keep them sane so they can work on their kids wellness. And sometimes it’s as simple as a text message. My friend Denise ALWAYS, without fail messages me when the kids are sick. Like daily check ups on them. I can’t even tell you how kind it is in those hard days for me to know I’m not the only one praying for them to get better. And I really want to pay that forward from here on out. Offer grace, offer help, offer my time, when I hear of sick children. Drop off some activities for the kids, bring them food/coffee, a magazine, call them… some sign of outside life. I hope you’ll join me in this too! I promise it will be appreciated more than you know.