Basque Breakfast

what to serve friends just popping in tomato toast avocado toast buffet for Pete's sake pottery blue and white sail to sable fall dress chambray

{tray and little bowls are For Pete’s Sake Pottery, dress is sail to sable,

In San Sebastián this summer, I would often drop the kids off at their Spanish school and pop over to Altuna for a bite.  Molly and I happened upon it after a long hike when we were super hungry.  For breakfast they just have two options.  Avocado and Olive Oil, or Salmon and Olive Oil.  We would always get both, and then split the two.  Of course the best crusty bead would come with it.  The bread was just toasted, but a couple different varieties.  We would sit by the window, and watch all of the stylish Basque women walk by.  We were saying, everyone talks about how stylish Parisian women are, and that’s true – they are.  But Basque women had our jaw on the floor with their style.  Always effortless, but yet coiffed, their linen ironed to perfection.  When I wore a workout outfit, I honestly felt like I had a sign around my neck that I was an American.  Which isn’t a bad thing!  But it definitely inspired me to get dressed more often.

Anyway!  I recreated this little Altuna breakfast, as I think it’s a great idea to have on deck.  You just need some good bread – toast it.  If you want, you could sub sweet potato “toast”.  I buy a freezer brand that’s all ready to go, that I can just pop in the oven for a few minutes for toasts or to add to a sandwich.  For the tomato you usually don’t serve it just sliced but use a cheese grater to grate the tomato – add in some garlic and olive oil.  Makes it super easy to spread.  Some great olive oil – sprinkled with some sea salt, or in this case, black garlic (from Trader Joes!).  Sliced avocado.  We snacked on this all morning during this photoshoot with Alisia.

We’d have this with a cappuccino, and sparkling water.  It was so good!  Anyway just wanted to share, it’s nothing earth shattering I know – but filled with ingredients many of us keep around, and sometimes just presenting a little buffet of items for toast is a fun way to do it!


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