Derby Dreaming with Grace Hamlin

A couple months ago, when life was normal, Grace and I hatched a plan to show you some floral, cocktail, and dressing ideas for The Kentucky Derby.  We normally go to my in laws who have a BIG party filled with Publix fried chicken, potato salad, and delicious mint juleps.  Last year our school had a fundraiser gala, and I (along with a few helpful friends) arranged 30+ arrangements.  This post will help you if you’re ever interested in what florals to pick out.  But it’s 2020, and life had other plans for the Kentucky Derby this year.  They’ve rescheduled thankfully!   But hey!  we’re going to make the best of it, and we’ve decided we’ll still be celebrating in our own way, just at home and via zoom.   The month of May just feels like the perfect time to dress in seersucker, make a refreshing mint Julep, and decorate our house with fresh flowers.  Some traditions just can’t be ignored (:

Grace has all the details on her gorgeous floral wreath perfect for the Derby, how to condition flowers, what to serve, and how to celebrate at home.  Go over there and check it out, for a ton of ideas on how to celebrate at home…. and celebrate later!  

Floral tips for Kentucky Derby, or otherwise:

We used a variety of Fifty Flowers (ranunculus and garden roses) in combination with some we picked out at the grocery store along with fresh mint.

I’ve talked about the importance of Quick Dip, and some good floral shears in past posts.   But when Grace and I went to a floral show her MIL invited us to, I learned about Crowning Glory.  Cue the angels singing.  This spray really does work wonders to condition, keep them looking healthy and increase the life span!  A few spritzes when they’re looking a little sad, will perk them right up.  It’s magic potion!

The other thing we’ve used a lot is Oasis.  It’s a floral foam that will help them last longer, and also just keeps them in place.  It’s a trick to making professional looking arrangements.

But all of this stuff?  You can also make pretty creations without it!  I’ve been collecting things, picking it up when we could at a whole sale flower shop, for years now.   And flowers are pretty of course just on their own!  Fresh flowers is such a mood lifter, and I’ll love them any way I can come by them.  I also love wrapping some fresh flowers in pretty wrapping paper and tying a bow around it.

Make sure you soak your oasis in water, and then you can cut it to the right size.  It’s such a satisfying feeling cutting oasis.

Here Grace has brought in things from my yard too – Spanish Moss and ferns.


Thanks to Draper James for our dresses!  Grace is in this seersucker shift and I’m in a linen tulip dress.  Both perfect for The Derby.  As are these cute horseshoe earrings.

Of course mint julep glasses aren’t just for drinking.  You can also use them for arrangements.

Head over to Grace’s blog to find out the recipe for the PERFECT mint julep!


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