Happy first day of Autumn! After attending Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party on Friday, and having so much fun, I am ALL into the Halloween spirit! Even though it’s not feeling like fall outside here in Florida quite yet, I’m in that Fall state of mind.
I wanted to share some of my favorite Halloween items I’ve been eying – PJs, clothing, books, things for the treat bags for school and fun things to do with your kids this fall. I’m toying around with having a little Halloween party at our house. Our street is so festive, with a few haunted houses, and sooo many kids … so every year I think, this would be so fun to do with friends. We currently have our family come and help pass out treats, and do something super simple for dinner for everyone.
The only things not clickable in the graphic above are the upper right Honey Bee Tee’s items – that you can get free shipping with code TUCKERBAFS. and the adorable halloween themed bath kit from Lush. Happy (early!) Halloween shopping (:
edible treats:

treats for classrooms / “boo”-ing friends houses:


home decor – these are the spiders I use on the outside of my house (and a few from amazon too!):
