In 2016 I posted about our pumpkins in our fireplace, and it was probably my most viral moment! Thinking back, I had a one year old, and I don’t know how I had the energy to load these all up week after week with my toddler in tow at Trader Joes. I miss those days – we always went to the childrens museum in St Pete before we headed to TJs. Side note – highly recommend that spot in St Pete! While I still love real pumpkins, I love the ease of bringing these down from the attic, but especially the beauty of For Pete’s Sake Pottery hanpainted pumpkins. I had been working with Susan ever since this post (you can also spot them reused on my buffet here). From our first chat she was just so fun, brimming with creativity and ideas, and sweet as pie. She’s blown up with collaborations including Draper James, and most recently Bauble Stockings! We can’t wait to share more pumpkins around the house, and even a fun tablescape Tuesday that’s to come! Just love her new green and white pumpkins, and the orange is always fun during this time of year.