hibernation for January favorites in a weezie Terry cloth robe

{the perfect hibernation season look:  this Terry cloth weezie robe!}

As we settle in the new year I love to hibernate a bit more than usual!  November/December was non stop, so leaning into some things that make me feel more centered and slow is a lovely change of pace.  As far as resolutions, my main one is not to lose sight of the gift of right now – especially in motherhood and in family life.  I want to fiercely protect all of that family time in 2023.  Hibernating is also pretty great for my whole family- as they get to come home to less clutter, and nourishing meals.

So here’s a few things I’m doing in my hibernation era/month:

  •  Decluttering.  Things I didn’t realize I was holding onto, but was so happy to give them to another home.  Things like the water bottles – that were perfectly fine for when they were little, but now they need bigger ones.  To things like our art work display board – which I had been hoarding their art up there for ages.  I still couldn’t let most of it go, so put it in a bin that houses their artwork, in the attic.  To our cupboards that had things in there I never use.  and frankly haven’t for the last ten years.  As always I either donate to friends/fam that want it, or donate to Salvation Army.  They pick it up!
  • Switching out any wine I would be having with some sleepy time tea.  Well to be fair, I was always drinking my chamomile or sleepy time.  But it feels so great to give my liver a break.
  • Slipping in my sauna blanket.  JB got this for me for my birthday, and I have loved it.  I do think it helps me sleep better.  I like to do it first thing in the morning, or last thing at night.
  • Trying out Retinol.  Every time I have used it I have broken out, and while I think that’s normal in the beginning, I just couldn’t justify it long term because of an event /etc coming up.  Since I don’t have too much on the docket this month, I am just going for it.  So far, so good.  I have just been doing it once a week – on Sundays.  but plan to up to twice a week once I feel like my skin can tolerate it.  My skin is drier than normal, but haven’t had major purging.  I’m using a super low dose – .3 of skinceuticals.  
  • Cooking a ton!  Using my Defined Dish and Comfortable Kitchen, and also so many of her recipes on line.  I usually share these in my newsletter so sign up here, if you’d like to see more of that.
  • Leaning wayyyy into “Self Care” … getting a massage once a week (if you’re local I have an inexpensive and incredible masseuse – so message me!), back to getting my nails done (feels so good!), and just generally taking time to take epsom salt baths, walking every day, and doing some light exercise.  As I lean into my last year of my 30s, I just want to take care of myself, so I can be around and active for my fam.
  • Cami gave this gentle retinol lotion, and I have loved it.  I keep it in my car, because that’s when I usually notice my hands are dry!
  • Planning our travel for 2023.  We have a fun travel year – Montana, Nevis, back to Spain, Tuscany with both of our families for my 40th.  So I have got to get busy planning!  It’s always fun to have something to look forward to.

2023, we’re coming for you!  but first, a bit of hibernation (:

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