Highlands is a happy place for me. Growing up we’d head up the mountain for some relief from the summer heat, and once in college we took off there due to a hurricane. On our way up we stopped at the Dillard House. Oh my word, the best. They bring you endless fresh produce, veggies, fried catfish and chicken. My in-law’s had never been, but ended up loving it! You know how you remember something as a kid as being THE BEST EVER… then you recommend it to everyone and then you’re sort of like… what if that’s only cool when you’re a kid? This happened to me when JB and I went to Lugano, Switzerland. I had gone there as a kid and remembered it as the best place in existence. So of course, I plotted our first swiss trip to Lugano. I told him we could go to Swiss Miniature… which I remembered being the coolest experience. When we got there we went to the tourist office, we found a brochure of swiss miniature… JB was quick to start belly laughing. It was a goofy golfing / miniature houses of swiss landmarks / miniature train like you see in a mall around christmas time, where the only adult was a conductor squished into his seat. needless to say, we found something else to do. Thankfully Dillard House did not prove a similar experience.
We went up the mountain to Highlands satisfied, albeit stuffed to the brim!
Happy Thursday!