Hometown: Knoxville, TN
Current Town: Athens, GA
Were you always an artist? How did you start your business?
No. I am a new self-taught artist. I have had a professional career in Human Resources since 2000 and artist design is my second career. I just started painting a few years ago and I started designing jewelry this year. I made a huge custom order of chinoiserie ornaments for a friend last year and started my business on Etsy around that time.
Who were your role models growing up?
My mom and mother-in-law
What inspires you?
Colors, textures, patterns and other artists.
Favorite artist:
Andrea Costa
What are you sipping on while you paint?
Water or wine… I am an equal opportunity sipper (red and white), but it does depends on the time of day.
What does a normal day look like for you?
I love having a few leisure cups of coffee before I do anything else. I work from home and my days vary artistically. When I am not working on commissions or custom orders, I may be found on the tennis courts, having lunch with friends, decorating my new home, having adult play dates (painting sessions) or working on a project in my home office as an HR Consultant. My evenings these days are filled with painting my holiday ornaments.
Favorite Verse or quote:
“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.” ~Jung
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Ireland and Bermuda are tied as favorites for me.
Where do you see yourself in ten years?
In ten years, I plan to be retired (early), creating pretty things that make people happy and traveling the world with my husband.
Thanks for inspiring us, Laurel Leigh! Your work is beautiful!!
Here’s some of my favorites from her shop–
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