March 6th, 2012

Last year, I wrote this post about my surgeries.
About Gods unfailing love and compassion.  That His plans are the absolute best ones.   at all times.
I wrote that in the morning on the 5th of March, 2012. 
The next day I miscarried our first child.  And I didn’t get out of bed.  couldn’t. 
I know it seems like a major over share to let all of this out right here.  
But as I sit next to two months and ten pounds of perfect, i feel for those currently dealing with that kind of loss.  or the pain of infertility.  
Sometimes on blogs it seems like everything is easy peasy – pregnancy, childbirth, marriage, life… 
and sometimes it is easy.  but a lot of times, it’s hard work. 
sometimes though, suffering can sweeten the deal, make you appreciate things you took for granted, or prepare you for something great.  
I don’t believe the internet is a place to expose every detail of your personal life.  
But I wanted to share one of mine today.  
It’s healing for me if I can help someone else through that kind of pain.
and though I’ll always still miss that baby we lost, I do truly believe in Gods goodness.
especially when i look in Tucks eyes.  
and that His plan for my life is a thousand times more sweet than anything i had cooked up.

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