Mother’s day was bananas.
i’m completely spoiled around here.
woke up to breakfast with my babies, and cards. one from tuck too … apparently he can read and write already! (; {i told you he was advanced}
brunch with my in-law’s, and dinner with my parents.
JB always tells me what a good job I’m doing as a mama, and you know what?
I receive that compliment more than any compliment I’ve ever been given.
I may not always know what to do, but gosh I’m doing this the best I can.
and I’m a good mom! it’s not always easy for me to pat myself on the back, but me and motherhood? we go together like peanut butter and jelly.
my little mommy heart that’s so full these days got even bigger yesterday.
i was sitting in the backseat with tuck on my way to my parents, when lola climbed on my lap, and then nuzzled her way next to tuck for a snuggle.
seriously, who are you lola?!
i could have died on the spot.
the adventure’s of lola and tuck are quite something.
happy mother’s day to all!!