People have been asking about my beauty regimen for a while on formspring. And I’m always like, suuuuuure thing, I’ll get you that post! But I never do. Mostly because I’m flabbergasted that someone wants to know what shampoo I buy or make up I wear. I think, I must do a pretty good job of spinning, because I look kinda plain most of the time. These questions always seem to come along when I’m in yoga pants, make-up free, and a pony tail too. Anyway, I’m no Lauren Conrad! But a few of y’all wanted to know… and I give the people what they want … in time.
make up:
naked 2 eye make up // bare minerals foundation, well rested (undereye) // blush // mascara // eyeliner
I use my mother’s all organic products. Which have gone through a
big rebrand and should relaunch in November. You can email her at for info/pricing. I use them with my pink clarisonic mia. I also use the sulfur ddf mask once a week.
There is just no substitute for hot rollers. I’ve had these since college, and it’s pretty much how I did my hair every single day back then. It gives it just enough bounce. I stopped for a while when I got my hot tool, but for a good everyday look I still prefer the hot rollers. Call me old fashioned. I do own a straightener, but figure it is not worth mentioning since I maybe use it once a year. I also blow dry my hair with a no name blow dryer who has been quite faithful throughout the years, that golly I should give him a name. It should be said that I don’t do my hair 7 days a week, we’re looking at around 3. On the other days I generally let my hair air dry and comb it, put it in a braid or up once dry. I shower daily because I don’t have the luxury of hair that is cute 24 hours after I do it. But if I do find myself in a pinch I use Psst dry shampoo and recurl with the hot tools.
Hot Rollers // 1inch hot tool barrel // Cheaper side: Shampoo/conditioner // Expensive Side: Shampoo/Conditioner // psst dry shampoo.
If you have questions, I’ll answer them in the comments, or you can use formspring too, and use that if you’d like to request a certain post. Happy Friday!
Annnnd a bridesmaid gift round up on the STE blog