New Years in Las Tablas, Panama

we spent New Years in Las Tablas, Panama.
It is a bit like mardi gras in new orleans.  except there is one square, 3 floats, and they go round and round for hours while the queens shake their hips and blow kisses.  the people take sides- depending one which side of the street you are from, uptown or downtown.  you are either calle arriba or calle abajo.  There are queens elected for each and songs made up accordingly.  Instantly I am the most hilarious person in their world when they ask me which one I am – I say “calle abajo” and they all die laughing. At least I have one joke in my back pocket they understand.  even if it is just laughing at my poor spanish.
calle abajo
calle arriba
the band & the crowd.  holy smokes.  
calle abajo or calle arriba.
which one are you???

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