We had our fall break Friday/Monday, so we took full advantage and booked a trip to NYC with the kids. I crowd sourced sooo much for this trip- so thank you for all of your recommendations. It’s overwhelming, because there’s so much to see and do. I ultimately went with some things that I did as a kid that made a big impression, and some new ones. For reference, my boys are 8 and 10. This was a very kid centric trip.
We flew from Tampa into JFK. Then checked into The Plaza hotel. It’s iconic. Especially for two boys (and parents) that love Home Alone 2. We immediately ordered a large pizza, just like Kevin (: After checking in, unpacking, and fueling up we started walking through Central Park. The Plaza Hotel is in a great location, and just a few steps until you’re in Central Park. I could spend forever walking around, and the weather was beautiful on Friday. There’s so much going on inside the park. We saw the Boathouse and the row boats ($25 for 30 min). But decided against renting a rowboat because the line was super long. Instead we had a Pedi Cab ride us all around Central Park ($150 for 40 minutes). It was a fun way to see it, and I was surprised at how knowledgable our guide was. So we got a fun history lesson in as well. Afterward we got ready for a special dinner at Tavern on the Green. I have the fondest memories of going here as a kid, and I think my boys got that feel too. It’s such a special place. You can dress up or down, and we opted to dress up. We had dinner with Grace and her family who happened to be in town as well. The boys have now been in London, Paris, and NYC with different school friends. So special! They had live music, and everything about it lived up to the hype! The Plaza has their house car, which can take you up to 10 blocks away. Which is a nice perk! So we used that heading there. I only wish we would have done a carriage ride there or back. But can’t do it all!
We slept in, and then walked to Sarabeth’s for breakfast. Another one I remember loving as a kid. It’s packed, so I was glad we had reservations. Then we took a cab to American Museum of Natural History. The line was WILD. Easily an hour and a half. And we had a timed ticket. But we had a little travel angel tell us to enter on Columbus Avenue. No wait there! I could have spent the entire time we were there at the museum. It’s so well done, and absolutely incredible. I would recommend getting a timed ticket, and also making sure you get a ticket for the extra exhibitions. We did Invisible worlds and the butterfly vivarium. Both were incredible! There’s one on Blue Whales but we were hungry so needed to head out for lunch. For lunch we went to Pazza Notte. Delicious pizza! Afterward we headed to FAO Schwarz. Kids loved that but didn’t end up buying anything. It’s fun to walk around, and there are lots of hands on fun to be had. We gave them $50 each for the trip for toys/souvenirs. This helps them manage their $ and not ask us for more more more. They ended up not getting anything at FAO, but then we walked over to the LEGO store where they spent some of their $. The LEGO store was incredible. If you’ve been to the one at Disney Springs, this is like that one on steroids. It’s two stories, and a lot of fun for kids. I loved the NYC taxi cab LEGO that the kids can get in. Then we went to Serendipity 3 to split a sundae. We all loved it, and it was just like I remembered it. ! For dinner we headed to Sant Ambroeus. I love this spot in Palm Beach, so wanted to try the NYC location. Honestly though it was a bit far from the theatre, so I should have chosen something like Carmine’s or Tony Di Napoli. We took a cab to The Lion King. This was the boys first broadway show, and they loved it. It was an 8pm start. So a matinee may be better if your kids are younger or don’t do well staying up late. Something I don’t think I’ve shared too much about but my boys have done 5 musicals, and are currently in a cast for Nemo for their sixth. They love live theatre, so this was dreamy for us all to experience. I got a little teary eyed! The Lion King is incredible. Highly recommend. We sat in row 0 in the orchestra right in the middle. I loved our view for the stage. Afterward we shuffled out and were in the middle of Times Square. One way to check that off the list!
We started our day having breakfast at The Palm Court at The Plaza. That room is stunning! I had Shakshuka, over poached eggs. So good! We then headed to 9/11 Museum. The boys have been learning a lot about 9/11 at school, so we figured this was a good age to visit. We visited the reflection ponds. Then walked down to The Battery to peek a view of the Statue of Liberty. It was a chilly day, so we really didn’t want to take the boat around. I wish I had booked a classic harbour line cruise in advance. Then we would be able to be indoors. But now they can say they’ve seen it – just not up close. Another time! We walked down to Wall Street and saw The Bull. Then we headed to Lombardi’s for lunch. The boys had their first ever Fettuccini Alfredo. They loved it of course (: We walked through Little Italy, grabbed gelato. Then walked through Chinatown. We finished at a park where everyone was playing cards outside. We then headed to the M&M store. Not that this was on our list, but it had been the talk of 3rd grade so we headed in. We grabbed a drink at The Champagne Bar at The Plaza, got freshened up, and headed to dinner. We loved Quality Meats, and it was just a few steps from The Plaza. We passed out, slept in, and I’m currently waiting on our flight back.
If we had more time these are a few things that were on my radar:
Intrepid Sea and Space museum- I know my boys would have loved this.
The Met – Egyptian wing seemed to pop up a lot on y’alls recommendations.
Color Factory / Museum of Ice Cream / Sloomoo (slime museum)
Row boats in Central Park
The Highline
The Empire State Building
So many spots to visit, so little time (:

RUFFLED sweater
This pretty green sweater and gold buttons is perfect for fall and the holidays.