It sounds too simple but something I like to do to get out of a creative rut or just the feelings of the mully grubs, is pay it forward. Do something for somebody with zero expectations of them doing anything for you. For me, this is often sharing an account or a woman owned business. Being a small part of someones success story, no matter how small, or boosting their confidence in their craft, is some of the best feel good medicine out there. When someone says “I bought this dress from your gf” “I follow her because of you””oh I booked this photographer!”.. it makes me so happy because when I share these businesses or people, I genuinely believe they are going to bring you the best. I feel an enormous amount of responsibility if you make a purchase through me or book a service I’ve recommended. To be honest, I have a hard time with the word influencer. I’m not sure why it bothers me as much as it does. Plus, I think we are ALL influencers. We’re all influencing many people in a single day whether that’s online or not, and we can all pay it forward whether that’s by shouting out something you love, or loving your family well today, which is no small feat. I mean, I know this is a “duh”… but it bears repeating.  Maybe I have a hard time with the name “influencer” because I’m a dinosaur in this sphere at 35, and have juuuust recently gotten used to saying I’m a blogger. Annnnnyway! I know this is a little rambling post, but it’s a little something I love to do when I’m feeling uninspired or bummed about something. I’d love to know something you do that gets you out of the mully grubs?