Christmas Eve in Panama is the big celebration.
Everyone stays up until midnight, passes out kisses for everyone when the clock strikes twelve, and then opens their presents. Then you go sleep until your hearts content.
{dress was a jackpot find from F21}
Why yes, that is a REAL pig. Pretty frightening if you ask me! When in Panama though…
Christmas Eve is also very big on fireworks. We sat on the balcony for a while enjoying the light show.
It is midnight! Feliz Navidad!
After a few of these authentic tamales, we ventured to the miraflores locks down by the panama canal.
we ate an incredible early dinner. We sat there for three hours watching the huge boats go by and the locks do their work.
We toasted to our first married Christmas.
& Found it only fitting we were sipping wine by the panama canal.

How was ya’lls CHRISTmas?
I hope you had an amazing one!