We got a peloton! Which you probably are already aware of, because I can’t stop talking about it. Sorry friends! family! instagram!
In a jetlag blur on our way back from Peru, after a week of indulging, we pulled the trigger. It was shocking to me because JB usually mulls over things for a while… reading tons of reviews. His enneagram is a 6 alllll the way, and he likes to do some research before committing on anything, but especially things that are pricey. It did help that one of his golf buddies has one, and raved about it. And if we really didn’t like it after a month, you could return it for the delivery fee. Right now you can return it for free!
To be honest, we got it for JB. I had been to one cycle class and didn’t like it. So I didn’t even buy shoes, just JB did! JB has bad knees from a lifetime of being a baseball catcher, so he needed a low impact way of cardio. We ordered it, and it came within two weeks. The crew brought it in, explained it all, and set it up. We got it right in October, and after watching JB on it about a week, I finally bought some shoes. I just got ones off of amazon.
I did a few beginner rides, and really wasn’t feeling it. They didn’t hold my attention but then someone recommended Ally Love. And then it was all she wrote – I became addicted. Once I found her, I did almost 25 days straight of cycling with Ally Love. And I think for me, it really was all about finding the instructor I connected with the most. The one that was that great mix of entertaining/motivating/inspiring.
Here are a few questions I’ve had that people have asked:
Is it worth it? Â
For us, absolutely. Personally, good quality food and something that will actually get me to work out for my health – is something we’ll always spend our money on. JB was paying $50 for a gym, and I was only going to our country clubs gym and walking on the treadmill (which I still do sometimes if my sister is going) and playing tennis occasionally. You do have to pay a monthly fee for the classes (you can also just get the app for a monthly fee – if you want to see what it’s like). But you can get the bike for 0 down and 0% apr. Or you can buy the bike outright. So if you get it and get the classes you’re looking at right around $100/month. That’s $$ but Jb was paying $50 for a monthly gym membership already.
On that question of “is it worth it?” … My kids had not seen me really exercise in the past. Now they see me all of the time! For me that’s priceless – to show my kids I’m prioritizing my health in this way. And that doesn’t just have to be peloton – but some youtube yoga, walks outside, getting on the tennis court.
Is there a try out period?
You used to have to pay the delivery fee. But it looks like right now you can try it risk free for 30 days!
When do you work out?
9/10 times it’s right when JB takes the kids to school.  I hop on the bike after kisses. I love that it’s become part of my routine.
JB is an even earlier bird – usually he’s up by 5 am. Exercising, making breakfast and getting ready for work. If he doesn’t get it in, in the morning sometimes he will come home for lunch and do a ride. But he works just a few minutes away, so he’s often home for lunch.
Who are your favorite instructors?
I love Ally Love. I really need to branch out, but she’s the most motivating to me, and I feel like she always gets my mind right. Her recent Sundays with Love about forgiveness was so powerful. During her Sundays with Love there’s always a moment where I’m just crying. which I’m sure looks super weird. But her other rides arms & intervals, country rides, feel good rides, HIIT – they are all awesome.
But other women LOVE – Cody, Emma Love, and Robin.
JB loves Matt Wilpers! But he’ll do others, and he did a program at first to figure out his power zone and his level.
What keeps you motivated?Â
Dangle that gold star in front of me, and I’m there. Haha, I love getting to my bike and seeing how consistent I was. And seeing that “19 week streak!” or “10 days in a row!”. While I’ll likely never be in the top 25% of riders, I love that I’m always competing against my previous record. It’s amazing to see where I started, and where I am. Also, that that will never stop… I may hit a plateau for a bit, but I’m always improving. And my heart is so much healthier because of it.  My body is so much stronger. Going off more of why I love Ally Love – she’s always saying your body looking good is a by product but not the goal – feeling your best and going out into the world and to your family and community and being able to fill other peoples buckets up because yours is full – that’s a big reason of what motivates me. I love that she’s not just focusing on appearance.
Did you cycle before you bought one?
Nope! well one time, and hated it. I’ve ALWAYS loved to bike ride. It’s my favorite way to see the world. We only had bikes and used trams when we lived in Basel, and I had the cutest little french bike. But actual cycle classes? Not my thing, that one time I did it – lol!  mentioned this above too. But another great thing about One Peloton, that I think many are not aware of, is you can use the app for SO many other workouts and meditations. JB alternates Yoga, Cycling, and stretching. I just started reading Woman Code, since my girlfriend Mary Katherine has written and talked about it a lot. And the part about what you should do exercise wise and also eat at different times of your cycle is really helpful. I am now going to do less cycling when I should, and do more stretching and yoga. Long story short though, nope I wasn’t a cycler.
Did you lose weight?
I haven’t lost any weight, but that wasn’t my personal objective. My body composition has changed with more muscles, less fat. I feel stronger – even though when I do the arms & interval rides I’m only doing 2 pounds. I feel just better overall.  We’ve never owned a scale before but in November we bought the Fit Index scale, and I’m not sure how accurate all of the body fat percentages are, but it’s interesting to see and track.
JB with a combination of “power zone” rides, peloton yoga, and a mostly whole30 diet, has lost 20 pounds! What’s most exciting to him is that before he was very limited in what he could do cardio wise because of his knee. But the cycling is actually helping his knee, as well as the weight off, and he is feeling his best he’s felt in years. His mobility has increased. For example, he carried his bag on the golf course which would have hurt him so bad a few years ago. He did get PRP shots in his knee a few years ago, which he would tell anyone to consider with knee issues. But that only took him so far!
Do you have a code?Â
I have one for $100 worth of clothing. I’ll also get $100 in clothing. They have spiritual gangster, lululemon, their own brand, etc. I will say, I’ve found their peloton brand sizing to run small, so I’ve been sizing up. The code is VB9ZRK
What’s your username?