i follow Bergen and sweet Isla Rose on instagram. I hadn’t read her story yet, but yesterday something she wrote had me finding a minute. Beautiful Isla Rose has LCA, and you can read more about it on her blog (she can explain far better than me!). The short is she recently learned her baby cannot see or sees very little.
yesterday she wrote “I believe. I trust His plan for her”. Just a simple powerful statement. Her faith in His plan inspires me. What courage. I say I trust, but then there I go worrying. I’m amazed I have trouble with trust and God. Hasn’t he proven himself a hundred thousand times over to me? YES. and amen.
Oh how I hope to remember “I trust His plan for him” for Tuck his whole life. I need that written on my hand so I see it every single day. If Bergen can do it so gracefully, I have no excuse.
{one way to help? $10 of the sales of isla’s animal collection will help little Isla Rose}