Room mom tips and tricks

Tips for busy moms

It’s my fourth year being a room mom for both kids, and my fifth year being a room mom.  I’m actually only doing one class this year for the second half of the year because it’s a lot to keep track of with two, and I think I’m at my limit.  I also want to encourage you, it’s really not hard AT ALL.  If I can do it with my limited organization skills, literally anyone can do it.  But I think it can be intimidating at first.  It was for me!  So I do understand that perspective.  Y’all know I love my simplified planner, and this helps me so much throughout the year.

My favorite part of being a room mom is getting to be on campus more, being involved, having an open line of communication with their teachers, and doing something a little creative for class parties or events that delights the kids.

My least favorite part is collecting money and keeping track of all that.  I’m not much of an accountant, but Venmo and google docs help.

First things first, schedule a meeting with your teacher and see what all is needed.  They may not know all of the dates for every event yet, but you can plug the ones you do know in.  You’ll want to know their birthdays too.  Have them fill out a “teacher’s favorite things” printable, so you can have on hand all of their favorite things, and their birthdate is handy on that page.  Ask them for feedback – what went well, what didn’t the year prior.  We want to make their job easier!

What do I do for birthdays?  I usually do a gift card to one of their favorite restaurants or shops.  Plus bring in Starbucks in the morning, and lunch of their choosing.  I’ve also sent this printable, so kids can bring it in on their birthday.  If they have a summer birthday, it’s always fun to have the class totally surprise them one day.

Best room mom hack?  The Fernandina Paper Company makes custom paper in a pinch.  It’s all so cute!  You can find the most darling printables, signs for your events, even banners.

Best party so far?  I loved their kindergarten Valentine’s Day party which we created an obstacle course.  Perfect for their age!  No craft clean up.  Everyone had a fun time!  I feel like an obstacle course is the way to go with kids under third grade.  Keeps them busy!

Favorite class gift?  For end of the year school gift or Christmas gift, I’ve loved making the classroom adjective wreath or tree.  Ps: these don’t have to be Pinterest perfect – the sentiment is still the same even if your kids write the adjective.  I’m just a content creator, so I can’t help myself, lol.

Favorite App?  You’re going to need to set up a Venmo account.  I couldn’t deal with all the money exchanging hands the first two years of doing this.  It was hard, and a lot of people don’t carry cash.

Best tip?  Share the responsibilities.  A sign up genius is helpful for parties.  You’ll also discover there are plenty of parents that want to be involved, but don’t want to be “room parent”, include them.  There are many parents I know I can count on to carry out something in case some of us are sick or unable for whatever reason.  My other “best tip” is one from Mary Poppins “In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun and – SNAP – the job’s a game.” … Doing something kinda tedious? do it together over coffee.  Treat yourself to lunch together after.  Watch a movie or listen to a podcast if you’re alone.


Hope this is a helpful post!






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