Yesterday was so much fun! I wanted to blog about it while it’s fresh in my mind. It was the first time we’ve lasted this long at magic kingdom. Tuck is finally at an age where if he doesn’t nap, he won’t turn into a pumpkin. While Wes is a pretty happy stroller napper. This time of year was nice for two reasons – the weather was cool, and the crowds were the lowest I can remember seeing them. I think the best advice I can give to anyone visiting Disney is to not have crazy high expectations.
I got a couple questions about our stroller yesterday on instastories. It’s the Joovy scooter x2. a year later and we love it just as much!
we let them pick out one toy. we got off cheap with the pirate scope. Wes wouldn’t put his down the entire rest of the day.
enchanted tales with belle was so cute (it’s one of my favorites)… Tuck was “too nervous” to meet Belle because she is “so beautiful” … meanwhile wes is not intimidated at all. I loved that wesley had to have a part (he was the salt shaker) and tuck was the “portrait of a prince” in the story.
JB took this sneaky picture of me, and I didn’t know about it until I looked over the pictures just now.
rides we went on:
Buzz lightyear, people mover, tomorrow land expressway, we had lunch, (wes passed out) and we alternated taking him on rides – mickey’s philharmagic, it’s a small world, and the carousel. Wes woke up and we rode pirates of the caribbean, magic carpet ride, walked around the swiss family robinson house, watched the parade (which the kids loved), and enchanted tales with belle. We decided to end on a high note and call it a day!
they wore these shirts by Shepherd Sweet under their zara kids jackets
Because sometimes I get the “what to wear to disney”…. I wore this bb dakota jacket, cozy jeans, a basic target top, and my j.crew new balances . Warm and comfy was priority. With my fawn design diaper bag.
If you’re planning a trip to Disney these other posts may help:
happiest weekend to y’all!!