Making european travel with a baby happen

Forgive this post if you don’t have children! But I scoured the internet looking for this exact post, so maybe … you are too?  Anyway lots of us mommy’s will be or have been traveling with a little one this summer, so this post is for y’all.  Earlier this month we went through planes, trains, and automobile’s – one day, all three.  So while I’m no expert, I will say that it was downright enjoyable having Tuck along.  Sure, you have to pack more, and adjust your expectations of all that you would have seen if you were sans baby … but as this wasn’t our first time, we didn’t feel pressured to do much other than soak it in.  Slowing down and seeing the world as your baby sees it is all together yummy. And I’m proud to report there were so few tears, and no meltdowns on either side along the way.

I posted about traveling with tuck when we went to Mexico at 2 and a half months old here.  But it’s a totally different ballgame at 6 months.  And most recently Tuck and I have been on 8 ascents/descents – I think that’s the trickiest part of flying with a babe.  Or the part I’m most nervous about anyway.  I am convinced that I have been blessed with a really easy going kid so far, or my obsessive online google-ing and researching about traveling with child was what made it easier.  ha.   in any case, if you’re like me, here’s  all I learned by stalking the internet (because everything on the internet is true and all…) in one convenient little post …

I’m a one bag kind of girl.  even with baby stuff I was convinced that I was just taking one bag.  + carrying my baby in the ergo carrier!  But that darned bag was like Mary Popppin’s bag.  It had everything.  I tried to think  of every possible scenario.

Here’s what was in the never-ending bag.

More (little) bags.

Clear bags, so I could see in. I use Samantha Grace organizer bags, so i don’t have to use so many ziploc bags.

Bag Number One // AKA bag o’ drugs // most for worst case scenarios:
baby saline 
baby vapor rub
infant tylenol
honest company hand sanitizer (the best sanitizer out there!)
disinfectant wipes (wiped down every little piece as soon as I got on the airplane)
pacifier wipes (even though he refuses pacifiers, but I used them on toys that would drop)

Bag of Toys:
Sophie’s teether friend
Pierre Of course!
A fun crinkly book 
and a few new toys he had never seen before  (unveiled when totally uninterested in the rest)

Bag of Clothes:
I tried to keep his routine even though we were flying.  We changed him into his sleepy clothes around 7pm.  So I brought pajamas, two extra onesies (just in case), socks and a snuggly blanket.

Diapers and wipes inside the portable skip hop changing station – it comes with a wipes holder, but the OXO one is so far superior.  I can literally get one out at a time.  Instead of wasting a bunch because I’m fumbling to get them apart.  (not yet on the market yet, but coming soon!)

My bag:
honest lip balm .  good gracious i love that stuff.
 Ester C packs (the better vitamin C)
Cozy Socks for sleeping
My ipad

Tips on flying:
The long haul flights we’re actually pretty easy.  Tuck just ate and slept mostly.  The white noise of the plane was a big help for that.  He loves to be held, so he was in the money!  The short haul flights he was almost always awake, and ready to play.  So I’m glad I brought toys with me.  This age is fun for that.  They are easily entertained.  Though I could have probably given him a wrapper and he’d have been just as happy as with a brand new toy.  I did nurse for the ascent/descent.  Ears are all still intact.  And Tuck flew like a champ.  He’s a hero!

Flying on long-haul flight tip:  if you book early enough you can reserve a bulkhead with a bassinet.  This gives you more room too.  My baby would rather sleep on me than this bassinet the airlines provide, but it might work really well once they are in the deep sleep.  It’s usually no extra charge, but there is a weight limit.

Dealing with a jetlagged baby:  We really didn’t have much of an issue.  We tried to stay up as much that first day we were in, and go to bed around 9pm their time.   I just let him nap and nurse when he wanted.  I’m such an indulger (:  But it worked, and we were able to get good sleep (all of us) and that ergo was a dream for when we were out and he was ready to sleep.  put him in that thing, and it’s lights out.
He actually slept better for us over there.  Now coming back was a different story.  Babe got a little too used to being held all of the time, and we’re just now getting back into a good sleep rhythm (12 hours straight last night!  go tuck!).

I know I really am such a polyanna but I only have good things to say about our trip abroad with a 6 month old.  Now next year I think we’re headed to Thailand and China (two separate trips) and Tuck might be switching on and off between grandparents.  We shall see!  And even though Tuck won’t remember this trip, JB and I will always be fond of the photos and memories.

like taking him to an italian market
watching him charm the locals

hanging out while the adults eat their light lunch (7 courses apparently is a light lunch to italians)

 it was so fun to take Tuck overseas.
 I am looking forward to a lifetime of adventures with him.
annnnnd anyone else have any other tips for those traveling with little ones?!  spill.


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