What we’re doing to prepare and stay healthy right now

*there are referral and affiliate links in this post – all are products and companies I use and love*

The boys have a cough and are home for the day.  I am enjoying the slow morning with them playing legos and building forts right now.  I know the next month of our life is about to change, and while there’s no school cancelation as of now, I’m sure it’s just a matter of time.  While I’m no expert about any of this, I did go to grad school for public health a million years ago, and I’ve been interested in and following this since January.  There were nights in january where I went to bed reading the latest, and woke up to see what the news was on it.  Not super healthy of a habit for my mental health.  I’ve been that friend that will not stop talking about it.  And sorry to everyone who knows me… it’s not getting much better daily.

With the travel ban on Europe, schools resorting to distance learning, and the wild ride of the stock market … I’ve been doing what we can to stay healthy.  Not solely for us, but for anyone elderly or with a condition that compromises their health.  Honestly?  I am heartbroken by it all, and that’s just getting started.  The canceling of events, the no hug policies, social distancing … while I believe necessary, I can’t help it that it makes me a little sad. BUT I am trying to stay optimistic, and will fight to find the joy in the coming days.  I sound so intense … but I just know the next two weeks will be mentally tough on most everyone.

This is an article I’ve been checking and referring back to … Though it hasn’t been updated since March 9.  The Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center is also a good fact based source to check out.

What are we doing to prepare and/or stay healthy?

  • Using Xclear daily, and after any kind of exposure with others.
  • Elderberry and daily vitamins for the boys – using the kids xlcear too.  I’ve linked a lot of these on Amazon – though I’ve seen some price gouging there.
  • cooking meals with immune boosting qualities – like tumeric, ginger, garlic, etc.
  • I’m taking chelated zinc, vitamin c, probiotics and omega 3s
  • washing our hands often and singing happy birthday
  • making the boys change clothes when they get home from school or an activity, and sometimes even a shower as soon as they are home.  Though they always take one before school and a bath at night.
  • sissy goffs article about how to talk to your kids about it.  Kids need to hear it from you (IMHO) first.  I’m trying to project a calmness for them, even if I am not feeling it inside.
  • I placed an order with Porter Road so we can stock up on some good meat.
  • staying active – I’m so thankful for the peloton right now.  Might be a good time to get the peloton app or obe fitness app.  I know I am going to rely a lot on working out to keep my head clear as my anxiety ramps up.
  • limiting what I’m getting from the news, and finding facts from sources like Johns Hopkins.
  • increasing the good stuff I’m reading – spending time with my Bible and daily devotional
  • stocking up on things on thrive market – lots of non perishables, and I haven’t seen insane price jumps.
  • I love what my college youth minister said on IG – especially that if you are a believer, now more than ever, is the time to show the love of Christ to people.
  • Stocked up on some Kid Made Modern activities for the boys to do since we will be practicing social distancing.

One thing we haven’t stocked up on … toilet paper!  yikes!


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