the transatlantic cruise. i’ve been wanting to post about it but i really have very few pictures to show for it. And y’all may think i never even went on one … and i wouldn’t blame you!! But I did sweet readers. We did! In one word it was- RELAXING. You see after you pack up your apartment and put all of your belongings into seven huge bags you hardly want to lift your finger again. which is exactly what we did for the next two weeks once aboard the celebrity century. Let me back up for a minute, things did not go according to plan on that fateful day of October 23rd. You may remember we were supposed to take a train hotel where we went to bed in switzerland after a delicious meal aboard the elipsos and then woke up in barcelona’s central station. But those french, they like to strike. So we get to Bern with our 7 bags and discover our train was canceled. I had even been checking online all week because I feared precisely that but they gave no warning. We then took our bags and our haggard selves to Geneva and caught an overnight bus to barcelona. It really wasn’t too bad and I was consoled by the fact that we’d get 70% of our money back. But it was an ordeal with those darned bags. So you see, after a few days in barcelona we were ready to put our bags somewhere and not think about a thing. And that is what we did. The days at port were so much fun but part of me really liked the days at sea best. It was 70-80 and sunny the entire time until hurricane tomas came our way the last two days. I layed out, read, watched movies (there was a movie theatre aboard), went to shows, and ATE. Not surprisingly, 3 course meals 3 times a day made us chunks by the end. I can’t say enough about the service though- we were very spoiled. Most people ask if we’d do it again??? a resounding YES! It was a nice way to get home with very little stress once onboard. Plus there is just something romantic about sailing across the atlantic with your love.