Last week was a whirlwind. We got back from Switzerland on Saturday – did a bunch of laundry, headed to the magic kingdom with friends so john and margaret could have their Disney Birthday, hosted family over for his actual birthday, and somewhere in all that I decided we’d just go ahead and have his party at the end of the week. I knew we were going to have it but wasn’t sure about free saturdays from now until February. So we went for it, and used Evite to send out the last minute invitations. I’m glad we went ahead and threw the party, because he LOVED it, and now we can look forward and plan other projects. I really have a hard time when things like this are hanging in the balance!
I have never done a Friday party. All of our parties have always been on Saturdays. But since it was in the evening, I think it worked out well. It was from 5:30-8, but we still had friends over at 10 (:, and we had about 65 people over. Over the weekend we had a funeral of a family friend and my mom was telling me how many people told her about how that family has always made people feel in their home – just so welcome and invited. I have felt that way my whole life in their home, and so I hope that people feel that way too in ours. I don’t limit any rooms, and fully expect my house to be upside down afterward. Anyway, that’s my guiding philosophy – jury is out whether I actually come across gracious lol.
I knew we were throwing this theme back in December, but with my first Christmas season putting in full time hours, doing stuff for classroom parties/gifts, buying presents for everyone – this really was on the back burner. Next year I am vowing to plan ahead, so I feel more prepared and less thrown together. But guess who doesn’t care? My son. He would have the best time whether details were thought out or not. He just wants to be with his friends! I truly just used what we had star wars wise and made little party hats for them, found a few items at target, used lots of items my aunt sent us from Louisiana, relied heavily on the stars part of the theme, and amazon prime was my best friend. Â
I got a little weepy Saturday night talking to friends – that day and leading up to it, so many of friends and family helped set up, asked what I needed at target, blew up balloons, brought random star wars items to decorate, came early to help with whatever, stayed late to clean up. In 2020, I really just want to be a friend like they are to me.
My sister came and zhushed it all up, and helped bake cookies and put everything else I hadn’t set up so I could throw some make up on! We had tons of candy out there, blankets, pillows, star wars stuffies, a projector and screen set up. About 30 minutes before the party started the popcorn machine showed up. I had looked into renting one, but found this one, and thought it would be fun for when we have people over for movies, etc. JB put it together and we got some popcorn rolling out just a little after the party started.
My aunt had sent us a bunch of star wars craft kits and coloring books, so I lined a kids table with stormtrooper wrapping paper, and had a little area for those that may have needed a break from the light saber madness. Â
{star wars sign}
We had a little drink area for adults and kiddos, the balloons were the light up ones, and the star and moon was a kit from target. I had a couple other light up things – some glow in the dark stars that the kids picked that they went outside (always try to give them a job before a party starts), glow in the dark star wars beach balls, annnnd of course the light up foam sticks – i.e. light sabers.
I tried to find star/galaxy things instead of just searching for “star wars” items. Loved this little meri meri banner.
The books I had ordered for favors didn’t come in time, and to be fair I didn’t pay for rush and was expecting this party to be later in the month, so I had to pick out things from amazon, target and party city. The tags are made by Sequins and Lipstick (absolutely loved working with Tammy!). I put glow in the dark stars, a bouncy ball with stars inside, some star wars valentine favors, and star wars stickers inside. The bags are from target. Side note though, I usually do a book as a favor .. and I will for sure use Book Outlet again. I was searching for a little golden book star wars themed, and these were 1.69 versus 5 a piece everywhere else … so now I’ll just use them as the classroom treat for Valentine’s Day.
I found these ready to bake r2d2 cookies at aldi! For food we had Danny’s Pizza with a salad my mother in law made. And then way too much candy, cookies, and popcorn. Not shown: the cake! I had a small version of this cake made for his family birthday party from Publix, but then we had a bigger one made rom Publix for the party.
We love getting cups made for parties … it’s always a sweet reminder years after when we use them! These are from Sequins and Lipstick. I was all I don’t know if you want to do a star wars themed party, but she was up for it, and I loved what she created!  Luke and Molly!
In the midst of planning her Margarets party (the very next day!) Grace picked out and brought all of her space related books, and other Star Wars items for us.
And probably the biggest hit of the party was the Light Saber Battle. Tuck had said that day how cool it would be to have characters at his party, so I was excited to see how he’d react to the surprise. My dad and Brother in law were stormtroopers, Curtis (grace’s husband) was Kylo Ren, and JB was Darth Vader. Most kids had those foam light up sabers, but it really was complete pandemonium. Kids had so much fun … JB retreated to our room, and they all followed him up there, when he changed back into his regular clothes and came out he said Darth Vader jumped out the window. Wes keeps talking about how Darth jumped out the window. haha! Â
We did end up doing a fire but it wasn’t that big of a hit. Weather was great but not cold by any means, so a few adults enjoyed the battle from here.
Just this morning before school Tuck told me how much fun he had at his party. He LOVES a party, and it makes me so happy he had a great birthday week (:

If you’re looking for other kid party inspiration: