Tennis Favorites for my Boys!

{two things not linkable:  Prodoh Vented performance shirt – loooove these and they are on sale.

The Oliver Thomas camo tennis backpack.  OK so expensive for a child, and in technically for women.  But if you’re just looking for a cuteness factor, this is it.  }

My boys have been in tennis for a few years ago, but really got into it this summer when it was one of the few available camps.  Also the groups were small – at some point being just 4 kids.  and two of those were mine!  They love their tennis coach, and are always rearing to go too tennis.  Now we do tennis twice a week, and it’s even fun to do as a family on a Saturday morning.  From time to time, I get asked what are our favorites … and here they are!  I like lightweight performance (but not under armor lol) wear for them during tennis.  Love seeing my boys on the court!

Ps:  a $$ tip from me – shop some of these brands on consignment or at shop bagsy.  I have scored some adorable tennis clothes there!



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