Thanks for partnering on this post, Shop Bagsy! Today and tomorrow you can get 25% off with code TUCKER19
We’re taking the boys skiing the day after Christmas! We’re actually hoping we can hold out telling them until the day of Christmas as a big surprise (and their biggest present!). My sons have never seen snow, and they are so excited about it. So naturally I’ve been thinking about ski clothes. But I don’t want to spend a lot of $ since it’s likely the next time we go skiing they’ll be in completely different sizes. Enter: shop bagsy! I found a couple coats and an entire ski suit on there for a tiny fraction of what they’d cost if I went to a store. They showed up, looking like new!
If you’re new to Shop Bagsy, here’s the deal. It’s an online childrens consignment store that specializes in classic kids clothing. You can also consign – they’ll send you a bag for free. Or you can just shop!  I’ve always been into the thrill of the hunt … and when it’s a good deal, sign me up. I LOVE how you can find pieces that aren’t necessarily in stores near me, or were in stores five years ago but are still in style. That’s the thing about classic kids clothing – they never go out of style and the quality is usually very good. In my opinion at least! I’ve found so many great deals on Shop Bagsy. Not only our kids ski outfits, but also nearly all of the belts my sons wear to school.
Today I’m spilling the tea on what I search for the most:
-  Masters apparel. – I’ve found so many cute masters shirts and dresses for my boys and goddaughters.
- Roller Rabbit – another favorite I love to find on there. Because of the quality of their cotton, things get better with washes, so it’s the perfect thing to buy consigned. I love their pajamas, but mostly buy RR for goddaughters.
- Smathers & Branson – I’ve found some adorable needlepoint belts and hats for my kids.
- Vineyard Vines – You can often find NWT and it’s a fraction of the VV in store price.
- shoes – I’ve purchased sun sans, adorable tennis shoes, and water shoes.
- Belts – perfect place to buy them and not break the bank.
- Sail to Sable – super cute for the little ladies in your life.
- Petite Plume – I can speak to the quality of Petite Plume being the best. I have had pairs for years, and passed them down and NO HOLES ever.
- Mini Boden – the british brand has classic styles with a twist – they also hold up well, so even if they aren’t NWT – you’re good to go!
- Minnow Swim- there’s no minnow on there now, but I’ve found it before, and into my cart it went (:
Some stand outs: Hopefully they haven’t already been scooped up (: ! You can use code TUCKER19 for 25% off today and tomorrow.
brooks brothers gingham shirt in 4tÂ
masters polka dotted dress in 6mÂ
Roller Rabbit coverup in 4t
Beaufort Bonnet 2t Apple dressÂ
stella mccartney floral rain jacketÂ
Happy shopping!!
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