{wesleys police costume // tucks police costume // native shoes}
Since getting tucks costume two weeks ago, there hasn’t been a day where he hasn’t put it on.  Getting it off of him is a near impossible feat at the end of the day.  He’s worn it out to target, the park, to a party, the library, and the grocery store.  Thankfully it washes surprisingly well.  He’s fallen asleep in the car with it on twice.  Both times I saw him just before he fell asleep, looking around for his hat, and making sure it was on.  Only then could he pass out!  Yesterday Wesley’s costume came in, and tuck was sooo excited to have his partner.  Wes was so ready to put it on and join in on the fun!!  They were running around and being thee cutest tiny police force.  Stopping only for a snack break, though I didn’t have any donuts to give them. (:
Ps: Â a walk down memory lane with halloween costumes