Top Ten in April

I know it’s been a minute, and I’ve missed at least two months of my top tens.  So sorry!  April was such a fun month, filled with lots of travel, adventures, and new discoveries. So here we go with April’s top ten, ten days late (:

  1.  Dollar Hydrangea.  Literally $1 a stem!  Tried this out for a school event last week and I’ve still got most of them going strong a week later.  Perfect for parties, or even if you are having house guests and just want flowers alllll over your house.
  2. My new favorite jeans!  Just washing and wearing nearly every day.  I love this style, and the fit is so good.  Madewell did it again!
  3. At the end of April we started on our playroom remodel.  We weren’t going to do it this year, but are going to be able to do it for a lot less than anticipated.  I’m not looking forward to not having a playroom for the month of may and june… but it will be so worth it!
  4. Y’all went crazy over this dress yesterday.  I wore it last night to dinner for my moms birthday.  It is a great summer dress!
  5. I loved this take on a summer bucket list from emily ley.  Instead of putting pressure to cross everything off of the list, you just write down all the fun you’ve done.  I plan on doing this on our little chalkboard wall.
  6. This beautiful rug from June St. George was sent to me, and I can’t get over how gorgeous it is.  And what amazing quality!
  7. All of the pool floats at Target right now!  this monstera leaf one is so cute.
  8. some funnnn trips: panama &  palm beach & jamaica
  9.  Wesley turned 4!!  His masters party was so fun!
  10. I’ve tried to find the original source for this, and have come up short (if you know, please share and I will update).  But wanted to share here:

When I look around my classroom I couldn’t tell you who crawled first, who walked before one or spoke in sentences by 15 months.  I can’t tell you if their parents breastfed or bottle fed.  No clue if they still wear pull-ups at night, because I’m sure many do!  I don’t know if they potty trained at 18 months or 4 years old.  I don’t know if their mom ever left them to cry it out for a few minutes or if they strapped them to their bodies 24/7.  You know what I can tell when I look at my kids?  I can tell which families value kindness and manners in their home (and at school which sadly isn’t always everyone’s school experience!).  I know who has pizza and movie Friday nights and which mom reads in different voices for bedtimes.  I see how kids handle scary situations like thunderstorms.  I can see who has a solid routine at home and who has chores or responsibilities.  I can hear how you speak to your children by how they speak to others.  When I look at my little friends I don’t see their milestones, I see who they are:  their heart, their actions, their inner voice, their struggles and triumphs, and I see you; and all the love you pour into them.  We are always supposed to talk about testing and benchmarks and data during parent teacher conferences and I had a mom last time look at me and say “I don’t worry about all of the reading and math, she will get there.  I want to know… how is she, as a person?  is she kind?  does she include others?”  That took my breath away and is something that will always stick with me!  Go easy on yourselves mamas, just love your little ones… it’s all they need.  



Happy Weekend, friends!


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