Tuck at Two Months // Survival Guide

1.  The swaddle me blankets aren’t quite cutting it anymore.  Boyfriend is growing.  These muslin swaddle blankets are the best.  They’re pricey but truly a couple notches above the rest.
2.  Whale Tub.  Tuck loves his bath.  Just like somebody we know …. (:  I love the way it supports his neck and lets him splash around. 
3.  Bouncer!  I don’t have this one but my mom picked a no name one up from Marshalls.    This thing is a LIFE.SAVER.  I really only use it when I’m taking a bath in the morning.  I just plop him in it, and take my bath.  He loves how light it is in the bathroom, so that doesn’t hurt.  But he doesn’t make a peep!  Before this… showers and baths were quite tricky and usually required me asking my mom to come over.
4.  Nasal Aspirator.   Never in my life would I think I’d be legit sucking someones boogies out of their nose.  Being a mom makes you do some weird things.  This aspirator is awesome and way cleaner than those weird bulb things.  
5.  Bumbo.  I love this thing!  I know there are people out there that wanna burn these things to the ground.  but. i love my bumbo!  I’m so proud of his little neck muscles.  Isn’t it funny what you become proud of when you’re a mom?  He smiled!  He coos!  … and suddenly you are the most proud human alive.  Anyway, bumbo.  Love it.  I’ve been putting him in there when we eat at the table.  
6.  Cradle Swing.  Tuck is hysterical about his swing.  It used to be the surefire way to get him to smile.  Plop him down and he just starts staring at the concave mirror up a head and he likes what he sees.  Or used to… now he can’t decide if the person in the mirror is a friend or foe.  When he’s sleepy though I can put him in there and he rocks to sleep.

 Again, most baby things you can absolutely positively get by without.  But these few things have helped us make it through two months of tuck.  Here‘s the first month survival if you’re interested. 

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