{Thanks for sponsoring this post, Walmart!}
{Photography by Hyun Ah Perez}
{super soft dress – only $12 // circle purse // raffia earrings} // shoes }

I loved partnering with Walmart in the Spring with their We Dress America campaign (you can find those posts here and here), and so happy to partner again this summer! I’ve mentioned before how I just can’t help myself when someone compliments an item I’m wearing, to tell them where it’s from and how much I got it for. That is, if I got a good deal! If I didn’t, then lips are sealed! ha. There’s just some pride when I answer “Walmart!” “$10!” … and someone says what?! that looks way more expensive! I love the thrill of a fashion hunt! I had fun putting together this collage of all the Walmart fashion – for everyone in my house!
Some stand outs from the collage:
- the black dress I’m wearing is coming with me to Spain for sure. It’s so soft, and easy to throw on and look put together!
- performance polos – perfect for sports camps this summer and only $7.
- the mens colorblock swim trunks that are just $9.
- All of the Eliza May Rose straw purses and accessories!
Don’t forget that Walmart has free 2 day shipping on most items when you spend over $35! Happy shopping (: