I’m headed off to pick up the boys from their last day at El Aula Azul. We are doing something different with the boys the last week – though they’d love to do another week of class! You can read all about how we found the school and our experience in 2019 here. We had a great experience in 2019, and I think even better this year because of the boys ages. They were eager every morning to go to school! That is a testament – because that’s not always the case for camps for one of our sons. We had planned to come back every year since 2019, but we all know what happened in 2020! We had just planned to come for the month of July this year. But when our friends invited us to Marbella, we decided to get the party started earlier (:! After Lisbon, Marbella, and London…. we flew into Biarritz from London on Sunday the 3rd of July. Biarritz is about 45 minutes away from the city center of San Sebastián. We had made friends last time with our tour guide, Julen, from this tour… and we’ve hired him to take us to the airport last time, and this time too. He picked us up, and dropped us right at our apartment. That night we grabbed dinner at our favorite, Beti Jai, and then got some groceries, and passed out. They started school the next day.
A bit more about the school before I get into your questions – All of the same staff that was there in 2019, was still here in 2022. I think this speaks volumes for the kind of school it is. We loved seeing friendly faces on that first day. They do such a great job, and it’s evident how much they love their jobs. The boys had a different teacher than last time, only because their teacher is on maternity leave. They loved her and her assistants. Something that was different than 2019 is that they did 1.5 hours inside the classroom of “work”… Spanish children in the other class did the same but for English. Then they would meet up and do “Spanish in the city”. If it was raining they’d do cooking, or crafts. If it wasn’t, they’d go to the beach, parks, etc. The boys made wonderful friends both that were local San Sebastián kids, and those that were here from all over learning Spanish. They had Spanish, American, British, and one friend from the Philippines in their class.
Here are the questions some of you have asked over on stories. I hope it answers a lot! If not email me (:
Shopping suggestions? Women and children please?
I LOVE the shopping here. Seriously, bring an empty suitcase. I see brands and styles I never see back home. There are so so many great Womens shops… but I can’t even recall any of their names. Just devote a day to wandering around, and popping into different boutiques.
As for the children clothing … get ready!
- Neck and Neck is by far my favorite spot. They go up to a size 16.
- M&H – only goes up to size 4 sadly. But wow, soooo cute.
- Gocco – more classic kids clothing. Baby, toddler and big kids.
- Dona Carmen – also only babies and toddlers, but worth a look.
- Irulea – this is the cream of the crop, as far as quality. It’s very beautiful. Kate Middleton’s kids wear this.
- Nanos – more beautiful clothing
- Arsene et les pipelettes – they have one in Biarritz too. It’s such an adorable store. I definitely bought a couple shirts for the boys there.
- Nicoli – lots of block print for kids and babies.
- They also have Zara kids, mango, benneton
- There are many more, but these are just my favorites that I’ve stumbled upon. if I was going to have a baby clothes boutique, this is where I’d do my research and development!
Top 3 cultural activities to do there:
You have the aquarium, hiking mount Urgell, soccer games, an incredible science museum… But I really think the best thing about SB is that kids can just be kids. Things seem almost designed for families here. Parks and Carousels are frequently right outside your restaurant – making it easy to sit outside, watch them and catch a bite while they play. It is so clear here that family is everything to the Spanish. The amount of grandpas and grandmas I see caring for their grandchildren, or maybe even their great grandchildren is pretty incredible!
What are the highlights for the boys?
This year I think they’d say surfing and school. They love their school and the friends they’ve made – from all over. They also love that I let them eat Gelato every day (:
Any day trips?
You have a lot of options. I’d suggest Pasai, hondarribia, Saint Jean De Luz… for weekend trips I am SO looking forward to going to Laguardia and La Rioja – maybe next year!
Is it safe. how do you get around speaking English? I have walked ALL over San Sebastián, and I have never felt unsafe. I speak terrible Spanish, but I do try lol. Otherwise google translate is your friend. Many people speak English. It’s really not that big of a deal to not speak Spanish.
How is their Spanish going and do they get to practice in real life?
It is hard to gauge since obviously they only speak English to me… but we’ve been in situations where I don’t know what to say, and they pipe up in (what sounds like) perfect Spanish to a Spaniard. I think everything builds for children – you may not see it or hear it immediately. But I think these experiences will only enrich their lives.
Food recs: If you’re just going in fro Pinxtos (small little tapas style) in the old town, go to Beti Jai, La Cuchara, and Ganbara. Those are my three faves. Beti Jai I feel like you can always get a seat indoors. La Cuchara, go right when it opens to grab a table. I love going there for lunch. Get the squid ink risotto. Ganbara has great pinxtos, and a fun atmosphere. Honestly there are so many more good ones, but those three stand out to me.
San Sebastián has more Michelin rated restaurants than any other city in the world. There’s no shortage of great food.
In town I love going to Kafe Botanika, bodega donostiarra, Bar Antonio, Enxalao, Altuna, Alabama cafe, fresh green… but I also love just going to the market and cooking. Part of the reason it’s so nice to have a home base like this, is that when you get tired of going out (especially the kids!), you are all set to make something delicious at home. Everything is fresh! The market in old town is wonderful, but the one at Super Amara is fantastic too. Especially the one on the first floor.
No shortage of great bakeries there’s one every ten feet, but go here: Arrasate Kalea, 35 … that’s the address, not sure of the name. My favorite croissants and baked goods!
Where are you staying?
We stay super central. Close to market, close to the beach, close to old town but not in it.
Hotel suggestions especially with kids!
The only one I know that has a family room (bed with a pullout couch) is Zenit Hotel Convento. great location. We’ve never stayed there though. I think you’re better off getting an airbnb.
How did you find the school for the boys?
I write all about that in this old post. In short, it was because of a very kind reader that had done the same, and sent us a detailed email about why San Sebastián was so great for an immersion school experience.
Are you fluent in Spanish?
Habla Ingles (:
But my husband is. Molly was just here while my husband was back home working, and neither of us had that hard of a time just speaking English and our very rudimentary Spanish.
How do you get around? Car? Train?
We walk everywhere. On occasion we will take a bus. The busses are very good here and get you anywhere you need to go. If you are going to Biarritz, Bilbao, etc… a bus is the way to go. Google Maps is super helpful for this as it’ll time the busses, and show you the routes, etc.
We haven’t used a taxi this whole time in San Sebastián. They are somewhat hard to come by.
Best travel route to get to San Sebastián?
Mostly we leave and go from Bilbao. But if you’re already in Europe you may be able to find an easy flight to Biarritz, which is closer than Bilbao.
Best area there to find an airbnb?
I think being as central as possible is best.
How long is your total trip length?
We will have been in Europe 1 day shy of 6 weeks. In San Sebastián we will have been here 4 weeks.
Here are some other posts I’ve done about San Sebastián: